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Slot Buster
There is a great thread related to TubeDude's comments on the Idaho board regarding Henrys.

I think those who have the education and experience managing big game and fish are more qualified to make decisions about slot limits and possession than a layman, which we all need to realize most of us are. How annoyed are any of us when people assume to know how to do our professions when they have no practical knowledge of the subject?

I take what I will eat, which on occasion includes some really nice big fish. They are just easier to prepare for the smoker than little planters.
Awesome fish! Congrats. I have yet to bust that slot up there. I can hit that 21.5 but just can not get over it. Some day.
And 1.
im with tubedue! let them do what they want. There are plenty of 18 inch fish in there, aka, big fish in 2 years! they come through in waves.
I'm jealous I have yet to catch a slot buster, I will one day and I will for sure be keeping it, regardless of what others think!
That's nice fish!
Food chain, food chain, food chain. It is all about the food chain. I think the water that best exemplifies the concept of having a proper balance of forage fish to prey is Fish Lake (in the bad way that is) I could be wrong here but way back in the 70's someone felt they could help those poor starving Lakers grow by adding Perch. Nope as Lakers don't eat Perch. I know there have been some caught with them in there stomach but I would bet that vast majority of medium to big Lakers eat, sucker, chub and other trout, but very little Perch.
Great fish! I've had better luck finding slot busters at Strawberry this year than in year's past.

Oh and one note about keeping them.

A regular fishing companion of mine spoke to a DWR rep up at Strawberry this year.

He was told to keep slot-buster Cutts because the vast majority do not survive the winter anyway.

I tend to listen to the actual biologists instead of the armchairs on the board.
Great fish! Nice pics! I hope he was delicious.

1+ to Tube Dude
Strawberry is very closely monitored and highly managed. Don't let someone get you down for following the regs.

There are people complaining about anglers keeping to many white bass in Utah lake. Some people just don't get it.

Good on ya!
[Smile]Nice fish, I am hoping to join you this year by catching a slot buster at Strawbery and Lost Creek. Congrats!!!!!!
nice one.

"Hook em and cook em"

I have been keeping the 2 under 15" as well. Gives the others a chance to make it big!
That fish looks healthy and tasty with the nice orange meat. Grats on the great fish !
i want to see more picture of everyones slot busters ill show you mine if you show me yours

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