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Utah Sucker
Hey there ya'll we have been looking for a place to catch a couple of Utah Suckers, I live near the Weber and hear that they are in there often, anyone offer any advice on how to catch them? or a good stretch of the river where we could find them?
Thanks much
Jordan River below Ut. Lake is also quite good. If you live in SLC, you can access the Jordan from many sites there!!
Oh awesome, do you know what effective baits would be?
Thank you
[#0000FF]Suckers primarily feed on bottom "goodies". A piece of worm on a #6 or #4 hook...with only enough weight to keep it on the bottom of slow moving holes...will usually get attention. Watch your line, keep it tight and don't expect a hard hit.

In a month or so the suckers will spread out over the gravel beds as they spawn. You can see them more easily then but they are not always easy to get to bite then. Would you be?

You may have to walk the bank a bit to find where they are hanging out. Not every hole has them but good holes will have several.
Oh okay awesome. do you know if the inlet above Rockport is good? I have heard that it's pretty good for them. But again, I haven't fished there
[#0000FF]Sorry. No personal knowledge of that spot. But since there are suckers up and down the river...and in the should be able to find some.
That entire area on the upper weber has a good population of utah suckers. I have caught many when fishing nymphs for trout and white fish. You can try a small fly with a bb shot about a foot above the fly if you want to use spinning gear. let it drift slowly through the deeper holes. Keep an eye on your line if it pauses or changes direction lift to set the hook. If you use some bright colors you may also get a few white fish. A peacock body pattern also works. My all time favorite is a gold ribbed hares ear in size 16 or 18. That could get you browns, rainbows, whitefish and a few suckers.

I use a throw net at a hole near 98000 South. I catch really small 1 to 2 inch Utah suckers in the shallow water above a hole near a log that sticks out. Hope that helps.

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