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Cooler Weather = Hotter Fishing
[#0000FF]There was an article by Tom Wharton in Thursday's Salt Lake Tribune about the potential for better fishing in the upcoming cooler times.

[url ""]LINK TO ARTICLE[/url]

One of the points made came from Drew Cushing, regarding the current fishing and forage situation at Willard.
Cushing said Willard Bay might be the best close-to-the-Wasatch Front fishing water right now.
"This time of year, the shad have thinned out, so there is little for the fish to eat," said the biologist. "You can fish from shore for wipers and catfish and expect to do pretty well."
The water at Willard Bay is low, however, which has made launching from the south marina impossible. Cushing said it is still possible to launch from the north marina and that boats are out fishing.
South marina must be a tubers paradise then.
[#0000FF]Don't bet on it. Yeah, you can launch but you will be kicking rocks until you get to the channel. And unless there are some fish in the channel you might have to get a long ways from the marina before you get deep enough to find fish.

In past years I have always liked fishing the south marina in the fall...when there was water. But under current low water conditions I will be launching only at the north marina. More fish closer to the ramp for us tuber types. And just about ready to get really good.
After setting my minnow trap, I went to the south marina to fish for a couple of hours wasting time as I waited for the minnow trap to fill.

While at the marina I saw two larger ski boat types depart for deeper water. I wasn't close enough to see the launch but saw them leaving the channel. I have no idea how the launch went. I would like to have seen them when they came back in to trailer them. I know first hand from my experience a couple weeks ago, 2 1/2 ' of water at the very most at the ramp. I expected that so was not paying that close attention to depths. I was in my Yak so really didn't care.

I caught 0 fish of any kind, not even in the trap. One ity bity bite in two hours.

The spot I have been setting the trap is a scummy dirty place right now. The water there has gotten lower but I had to try it ant way.

OH! no tubers.


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