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Late bite at Lincoln Beach 10-16-2015
Friday looked like it might be the last of the warm weather for the year, so I set up with Aaron to go do a swing shift chasing kitties at Lincoln Beach. We were going to meet up about 5 PM when I caught a break. Work got out early, so I told Aaron I was headed out early and to call me when he got to the dock and I’d stop fishing and come pick him up.

I got to Lincoln about 2:30 PM and launched without any issues. There was one trailer in the parking lot. Somebody else hadn’t gone on the deer hunt. The channel showed 1 foot under the sonar. Water temp was almost 67 degrees in the main lake, about 10 degrees cooler than the air. The water was almost like glass as I headed for the island. I could see 2 small boats and 8 or 10 waders off the point. It should be walleye time, but with water temps still pushing 70 and the reports I had heard from yesterday I was excited to catch lots of cats.

As I approached the island I saw some surface activity, both carp and smaller fish. I threw a jig and fly rig at several rings and soon had a pair 10” whites for fresh bait. Everything was working out just as planned. I cut a couple pieces or WB and started slow dragging for cats. My hopes were soon cooler than the air. After 45 minutes I had only one tentative inquiry. I worked along the west side, then headed east along the north side. At 90 minutes of fishing I had another tap and after waiting some time set the hook. The fish was on for only a few seconds and then just let go. I pulled that line in and changed the bait to carp meat, just in case they wanted something different today.

At about 2 hours I was just turning south to work the east side when the Carp meat line pulled free of the release. After waiting for another tug I hooked a decent kitty. I got a good tussle due to the warm water and boated a 23” cat. A nice start, but it was now almost 5 and Aaron had just texted to tell me he was at the dock. He was traveling light so he agreed to meet me at the end of the north jetty to save two slow trips along the channel. When I got to the jaws He started loading is stuff and said he had caught 2 whites casting a spinner while he waited, but they were only 5” long so he let them go. “Let them go, those are perfect bait size!” I said.

We move off the point and in the next 15 minutes we got about a dozen whities from 4-6” long. Then we headed back out to the west side and started dragging our “perfect” baits. Again the activity level was very disappointing. After an hour we had no more cats. We were getting more inquires but they always gave only a few tugs on the bait and let go. Aaron managed to keep entertained as he kept throwing his spinner. By dark we still had only the one cat, but he had 6 more 10” whites.

We went through a dead period as it transitioned from dusk to fully dark. The East wind started to pick up, fortunately it never got above 10 mph. We worked against it as we crossed the south side of the island and we had one fish on for a second and a couple more that popped and dropped. As we turned north along the east side I started wondering if we should change locations. It was pushing 8 PM and just before I was ready to call it and move, I got a solid hit and hooked another decent kitty. I had barely started reeling it in when Aaron went bendo on another. We landed both fish, both 22-23 inches and both on WB.

The next 3 hours we averaged just over 4 cats per hour, all on WB. It was just like I expected, only 4 hours late. Most of them were the new Utah Lake cookie cutters, 22-24 inches. I got one at 25 and the very last one of the night was 27”, a late bump for the contest. We released all the fish 24” or larger. For the night we tallied 14 channels, 8 adult and 15 young of the year WB and one mudder. Aaron claimed he had earned a study break after finishing midterms and he said this was just what he needed!

It will be interesting to see what the current storm pattern will do to the fishing...positive or negative.

My walleye arm is twitching.
The fish on Friday were still behaving like summertime so I am also interested to see what the cooler water brings. If I get out next weekend, I will probably cast for walleye with one rod dangle a bait with the other.

I just hope this is the start of a wet pattern for the fall and winter!
Awesome report! Changes are coming. Good to see you caught a few.
Nice report Pisco. Glad you had some good success.

I just got back from a three day deer hunt that turned in to a five day hunt when heavy rains washed out the roads back to civilization. No one shed tears over the extension.

I did get my crew out for a morning cat trip last Thurs. Good success but nothing contest worthy. We are still finding cats that look like they have been through a shredder?? We fish well away from the rocks to avoid snags but the cats are either still chasing wb in the rocky areas or they are at war with each other.

You are right about those 5 and 6 inch wb being the perfect bait. I'll be going out tomorrow and I will make it a point to try for some of them at the mouth of the channel. Left side?

And here's a tip: Fish the whole wb with a hook thru the eyes (I use a 7/0 size) and a trailer hook just in front of the tail. If you want to get nasty about it you can use a treble hook as the trailer. Also, a few pokes with a knife will deflate the bladder so the wb will sink without weight and will extrude a good scent trail as it Is dragged along the bottom.
Works for me.

I hope you find time to get out again... weather looks like it will be improving.

Thanks for the tip! I assumed you had gone deer hunting, but I was beginning to wonder if you were coming back[Wink]

How did your hunt got?

I did have one question about using whole whities, do you let the cats run a bit before you set the hook or just count on one of the hooks being in the mouth?


I'll send a PM about your other question.
Pisco-- I'm sure you didn't need a "tip" about cattin' but the tip I offered got me into the rod and reel give away... I think??

I do not let cats run with my bait while I am dragging baits. I use braided line and I can feel as soon as a cat comes calling. I usually feel nibbles and mini tugs or some times the bite is so hard it nearly rips the pole out of my hands. When I feel a customer calling I kick my Minn Kota in to neutral and go by what I feel on the other end. Most of the cats I catch are taken on the second hook. I believe they come up from behind and chomp down on the back end of the bait fish. Others are caught on the big hook up front. I believe they actually eat a full sized wb head first to avoid the dorsal spines as they gulp it down. That's when the first hook gets 'em.
Anyhow, that's what works for me.

My deer hunt was a smashing success... never fired a shot. The particular deer I have been after for the past three years was a no show. I might give him another chance next weekend. I'm beginning to feel my age a little bit more each year. My titanium knees are nice but they just don't get me around like the worn out ones did. Tough to get old but better than the alternative.

Weather permitting I'm cattin' tomorrow.

Nice trip even if the deer were a no show. Looking forward to your kitty report. Love the tip. I usually take and run the hook through the mouth and out the top of the head.
Nice today. Started out by the island but it was a bit too windy for me. Headed back toward the orchards and caught a lot of cats -- better not say how many. All were released and all were between 23 and 26 inches with one at 27inches. Had one on for a few seconds that was 36+ inches. All caught on wb. Water temp was 67 early and 69 at departure. Transducer showed 1.2 ft. in the channel... no problem launching. Half dozen walleye guys out in front of the orchards and one other cat man.

If the weather holds I'll be back out there. There is still time to connect with that 35 incher. It's an addiction.

Yes I think you definitely are addicted.

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