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Disappointed Fisherman :-)
Hi folks , I love to fish, just not very good at it. Seems whenever I go fishing they were always running the week before or the week after I leave. I only had one really good experience at Indian River Inlet in Delaware when the Striped Bass and Blues were running in schools and I pulled in five 25 pounders in 3 hours. Wham! Since then, I've had better luck crabbing but nothing like that again.
Anyway, the reason I'm started looking here is that I do web design and marketing for a living and am helping a startup here in Wimberley Texas. Dave Wilson invented an "Umbrella Tube" for storing Alabama Rigs and Umbrella Rigs. They are running a Kickstarter campaign to see if there is enough interest in this product. Dave was tired of getting stuck and losing line... If anyone is interested in the idea do a search, pm, or email me.

I also love to trout fish, but I never catch anything then either, but I do get to enjoy the scenery. My wife says I can stand in the rain for hours and be content. I am very patient, but not very lucky for some reason. My wife's folks lived on Cape Cod, and I always missed the Striper season by a month when we visited. We moved to Texas last year and went fishing at Port Aransas. No luck there either.
Welcome to BFT and if you're really interested in catching fish? This is the place to learn how to be there at the right time and doing the right thing... Lots of great members willing to help you learn the game... Not sure how your home state board is for activity, but if it's slow look through the other states and you can find some folks that can help you out... The Utah board has lots of very sharp folks that know salt water as well as fresh... I'm newish to salt water and have been getting lots of great tips that are really speeding up my learning curve.. Good luck and hope your experience is good... and good luck with your kick starter campaign... Utah frowns on the umbrella rigs so we probably won't help you much on sales, but maybe folks who fish out of state will be interested... Good luck... J
thanks for the encouragement :-)

I don't get to go salt water very often. It is 3 hours away now. Used to go every summer for a couple of weeks. :-(

Has Utah banned the umbrella rig setup?
Welcome aboard and thanks for taking the time to register.

I have fished the Port Aransas area many times with very good luck.

What area are you fishing there? The intercoastals, the flats or in the channel? Each area has it's species and techniques for each. It is important to watch the tides.

Outgoing tides are the best times for the Redfish and the Sandtrout. Incoming is good for the flounder in that area.

Please share with us the equipment, technique and bait that your are attempting.
We will be happy to help you. [cool]
Hi, it was just after Red Tide in early Sept. this year, and we were on the jetty. Saw guys way out on the end bring in some nice red fish, and we saw 2 game wardens walking back with a 4 foot mackerel and another, both looked legal but someone must have not had a license. We were only down for a weekend and didn't have all the time and equipment to do it right, but most people were not catching anything. We had live shrimp.
The Shrimp actually work better when fishing in the channels. The shrimp are best for the Trout. The Redfish seem to like either mullets or the Berkley Gulp swim baits. Cream to light brown color works best.

What kind of rig are you using? Drop shot, dropper loop, reverse dropper, sliding? Other??
Was trying over and under rigs, floaters with a 3 foot dangle, and crank bait. It didn't really matter. You could see 500 people and no one except folks on the end were catching anything. There was a tournament going on as well, all with the same results!
Welcome to the site Jefferis, here is a link to our Texas board:
Welcome to BFT! As you can see you have come to the right place for help. Many good and knowledgable members here that can help. Only three hours away from saltwater? Lucky you. I am 12.[crazy]

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