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Sarasota Fla. Report 03/17/02
March 17, 2002<br><br>Sarasota Fla. Fishing Report<br><br>By Capt. Bob Smith<br><br>This has definitely been a different March from years past. The cobia, Spanish mackerel and bluefish had been thick along Casey Key, 10 miles south of Sarasota. Drifting the grass with live shrimp and pinfish and keeping an eye out for pods of cobia produced good catches of fish. In this area, sight fishing and long casting with large top-water plugs work best. I like to use a large 5", brightly colored Chug style plug. I take all but the last set of hooks off. This makes it easier and safer to use. I also use this method to draw the cobia closer to the boat so others can cast a shrimp to them. This area also has some very good bottom starting in 23 feet of water with mounds coming up as much as 7 to 8 feet. Snapper, sheepshead and grouper are some of the fish holding in this area now. I must also add that fishing had slowed down by this last Saturday and we only saw one pod of cobia.<br><br>On the other hand, our inshore reefs have gone blank as far as catching good fish is concerned but they are overrun with small triggerfish and pinfish. The long offshore boats are needing to run 25 to 35 miles offshore to get some good fishing, mostly large amberjacks. The good news is that you can find plenty of bait on the way out.<br><br>On the bay, we have had good runs of pompano in the passes although they are not consistent. You can find some redfish, black drum and snook around the docks, but you will need to work at it. The sheepshead are very plentiful on Harts reef but you can find them all over the bay.<br><br>The big question is, what happened to the seatrout on Sarasota bay? All I can think of, is that the Red Tide must have really hurt them this summer.<br><br>Enjoy and Protect<br><br><br><br><br>

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