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Tepid Tuesday So. Marina
[#0000FF]Had planned a tune-up trip on some new float tube mods on Monday. A four letter word called wind in the forecast made me postpone until today. Lovely this morning.

Hit Willard South Marina. Drove up to the gate about 5:45...still dark. Gate was already open. Like getting through a revolving door on somebody else's push.

Prepped and launched by about 6:30. Still only one other soul in the parking lot. Light day...until later.
Air temp low 60s at launch. Water temp 74...and stayed there long after sunup with the light breeze blowing across the water. But no W. No skeeters or skiers either. fish. Worked the area I got into wipers and cats on my last trip. Thought my sonar must be broke. No shad, no bigger fish. Kept working shallow to deep...6' to 15'. Nada, zip, zilch.

As per usual I was dragging a left-handed blue-eyed chub minnow on one rod and pitching a rotation of plastics, cranks and Gulp minnows on the other. No fish were harmed in these experiments.

I finally got into my "kitty condo" area and the cookie cutters were there to play. Went bendo on a few whiskerfish and stretched my string. Woulda liked to add a wiper or two but they were awol today.

While working my way back along the the 7-8 foot depths that have produced for me recently...a couple of guys in a boat actually trolled between me and the rocks...dragging something right next to the waterline. I saw them pick up a couple of cats. Some of those kitties seem to have taken up residence in the days of old.

Decided to make an early day of it. Got another fishing "play date" tomorrow so no sense wearing myself out on silly kitties. Kept 3 for the fillet board and trolled a crankbait unmolested back to the channel.

Met FatBiker (FatBoater) heading out in his rig. We briefly exchanged pleasantries and he headed out across the lake to his fave spot. Claims he knows where they planted 'em this week.

I timed it right. As I was pulling my tube up on the ramp the air was filled with loud voices, loud motors and the smell of outboard exhaust. The family types were just hitting the water to get their kids wet again before school starts. Never used to be happy about school starting. Funny how your perspective changes as you grow older.

It wouldn't be a TD post without taking a swing at those who choose to recreate differently. But griping about families taking the kids out for a nice day on the water???...Is there no limit?
[#0000FF]Get a life, troll.
Nice shot on the last pic. Had me laughing out loud!!
Pat, you best not let Tube Babe see that last pic. She may ban you from the water for awhile. [sly]
Heck of an angle on that photo.........[laugh]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
No gate patrol, no skeeters, and you left before the power sqaud could molest you?.... How's a guy supposed to keep his blood pressure up?

Your right, the kids go back to school tomorrow. I'm sure this afternoon will be a last HORA for many folk's. Best to get gone while the gettin's still good.
[quote Tin-Can]Pat, you best not let Tube Babe see that last pic. She may ban you from the water for awhile. [sly]
Heck of an angle on that photo.........[laugh][/quote]

[#0000FF]Hey, I warned her I was going to take a picture. She wanted me to get her "best side". Some folks don't got no best side. Some want justice...others want mercy.[/#0000FF]
"No gate patrol, no skeeters, and you left before the power sqaud could molest you?.... How's a guy supposed to keep his blood pressure up?"

[#0000FF]If you are a father and a grandfather...if you have a computer...if you have a home and a yard...and if you have the "right kind" of friends...ain't no problem keeping the blood pressure up there.

And, for what it's worth, I DO like kids...fried, baked or broiled. I done my time. Still doing it actually. Heredity is what the parent of a gifted child believes in.
Sounds like an ok outing, stayed dry too that's a good day. Later J
TD, It's always good to see you. Things were slow on the west side until 11:30. The bite turned on and was still going when I left at 4. Turned out to be one of my better days at Willard. No boils, but both the shad and wipers were concentrated in the same area.

[quote Quicky]Nice shot on the last pic. Had me laughing out loud!![/quote]

Yeah my fishing usually drops off when the moon is on full display too. [Tongue]
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
[quote FatBiker]TD, It's always good to see you. Things were slow on the west side until 11:30. The bite turned on and was still going when I left at 4. Turned out to be one of my better days at Willard. No boils, but both the shad and wipers were concentrated in the same area.

I left the west side at about 10:29, with two med wipers, then went to the open water, then to the farm to drowned the rest of my worms. Did catch two good cats. then left for recovery at Burger King. Great weather!
Close call with TD at the south marina. You were the first on the water and I drove up to the ramp as you left the harbor. You can move quite fast in that super fishing machine. I figure your the reason I couldn't find fish you scare them out to the unknown when they see you coming.
[#0000FF]Shoulda said howdy. Sorry neither of us reduced the population of the lake much.

We all bring joy into the lives of others. Some of us by arriving. Some by leaving.

If you think my craft is fast with that electric, wait 'til I finish getting the bugs out. That's when I install the big Verado...and the second deck.
Hey them new flippers are proper flash mate [cool]

BTW.... I like kids too..... but I couldn't eat a whole one.[crazy]
[quote Funchy]Hey them new flippers are proper flash mate [cool]

BTW.... I like kids too..... but I couldn't eat a whole one.[crazy][/quote]

[#0000FF]Thanks. I bought the flippers a couple of years ago from a fellow float tuber who was unable to use them. Tried to sell them for cheap on our 4-sale board but nobody recognized the value. So when I lost a fin last week at Willard I rotated them into my arsenal. Good move.

On the kids...fried, baked or broiled...of course I was only kidding. At my age I have to watch my diet. Can't eat anything that might disagree with me. And today's kids are quite disagreeable. In fact, my daughter threatens her kids (my grandkids) that if they don't behave she will give them to me to use as bait.
Reminds me of the old song "Blue Moon" except thats a purple moon. Its all good I like them moons[Wink]
[#0000FF]Sounds like you are always "behind" in your work.
That qualifies you to be a videographer in the next women's Olympic games.
[#0000FF]I applied for that position for womens' diving. When I asked how much the job was worth I was told $10,000 for the full length of the Olympics. I agreed to pay that much but someone else outbid me.

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