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2016 DWR Willard Bay Report
First of all I would like to thank Tube Dude and Wiperhunter2 for all they contribute to this site. The tips provided (to include maps) have helped me attempt to figure out Willard and the waters.

I started fishing it 2 Summers ago (tube and boat) and have gone from "I hope I get a bite" in the early days to epic days during last years fishing. Many local fishermen have helped as well by sharing info...color of a lure. depth, trolling speed etc.

The coolest thing about Willard is that when one specie stops or slows down biting another one starts! Starting with Wiper. In 2015 I experienced my first wiper at was about 1.5 pound fish and I thought I had a 10 pounder on the line...ounce for ounce in my opinion no other fish comes close. I still get excited when they slam the rod. I fish solo mostly so when both rods go down I get doubly excited!

It was my experience that the crappie started biting towards the end of April and the walleye (my favorite eating fish) picked up the slack from the end of May until mid June. I bottom bounce for the eyes and was surprised that I started to catch cat fish in mid June...(they also put up a nice fight).

Ice fishing keeps me busy and content through the cold months but it doesn't compare to the thrill I get when I wet a line at Willard.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention what a great job our DWR professionals do. I am sure Willard wouldn't be such a great fishery if not for their involvement and dedication!

Messages In This Thread
2016 DWR Willard Bay Report - by TubeDude - 02-21-2017, 05:12 PM
Re: [TubeDude] 2016 DWR Willard Bay Report - by Trapper25 - 02-22-2017, 08:38 PM

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