02-27-2017, 03:10 AM
Hey Pat, in looking at some of those pics, it appears that they are VERY OLD, corded drill, really man, where is your up to date cordless ?? Just giving you a bad time. One little wrinkle that I came up with to lock my rod holders in was to drill a 1/8 inch hole all the way through the base and tube. I then attached a 1/8 x 2.5 inch cotter pin to 6-8 inches of 10lb steel leader material. A small ring terminal was then crimped on the other end and the screw holding one side of the base was placed through it. When the tube is in the base, the cotter pin slides through the holes in the base and tube, locking them in place. You can remove the tubes during transport so you are not losing them. To dark to take pics tonight, but I will take some tomorrow and post them !!!