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Chubs at Fish Lake and a tagged perch
[quote Dog-lover]

Scofield definitely needs more water and something different that has been done 4-5 times (Rotenone) with the same failed result.[/quote]

so, let's control what we can control.
We cannot control the water. So forget that one.

you can control regulations. you can use rotenone. you can control stocking. Use those 3 tools together to make a good fishery.

A. Rotenone the lake 2 years in a row. Assure 100% die off.
B. Place regulations to restrict the harvest of predatory C. fish (ie: cutthroat, tigers, etc).
Stock it with those fish.

That plan works. Panguitch and Strawberry have proven that. But anglers and local businesses have to buy off on it. Usually, these people look very short-term and cannot see the long-term benefits of the short-term negatives (1 + year with no fishing at the lake).

dog -- you obviously are not happy with Scofield right now. You've complained -- so, what's your idea on a solution??

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Re: [Dog-lover] Chubs at Fish Lake and a tagged perch - by PBH - 03-07-2017, 03:09 PM

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