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Chubs at Fish Lake and a tagged perch
[quote PBH]
so, what's the story on Scofield. Why hasn't the public gotten on board with a total rennovation? Why keep trying "unproven" methods (aka: stock the hell out of it with tiger trout) vs. proven methods (aka: rotenone)? Is it just a simple issue as pointed out by this thread (lack of understanding by anglers)? If so, using a committee method like was done on Boulder, Fish Lake, and even Panguitch might be the ticket. Get a group public, Blue Ribbon, and DWR people together to discuss and go over the options. The end result usually ends up being the result the DWR wanted to do in the first place -- it just takes some discussion to get the public to understand the "what's" and "why's".[/quote]

I was hoping you could tell us. The DWR did a survey last year, released the results, and said it would start a committee. In the results, a majority of respondents favored treating the lake, with the expected vocal minority complaining about it, as demonstrated on this thread. Then nothing. The crickets have lasted over 6 months.

Whatever they decide, I hope they make changes soon. The current status is one of the Saddest situations I've seen a fishery be in our state.

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Re: [PBH] Chubs at Fish Lake and a tagged perch - by doggonefishin - 03-07-2017, 05:44 PM

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