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Chubs at Fish Lake and a tagged perch
[quote doggonefishin]
I was hoping you could tell us. The DWR did a survey last year, released the results, and said it would start a committee. In the results, a majority of respondents favored treating the lake, with the expected vocal minority complaining about it, as demonstrated on this thread. Then nothing. The crickets have lasted over 6 months.

Has anyone contacted the SouthEast region and asked the status of the Scofield committee / management plan?
Heck -- I'd bet if someone started a thread titled "Scofield Management Plan / Committee status" we'd probably get some yahoo from the DWR that would give us some comments....

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Re: [doggonefishin] Chubs at Fish Lake and a tagged perch - by PBH - 03-07-2017, 07:24 PM

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