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Chubs at Fish Lake and a tagged perch
Yeah. 30 years with unlimited reproduction of Walleyes. And then there would've been a total population crash of the Walleyes except some bucket head dumped Yellow Perch in there. During that 30 years Starvation was almost as popular of a fishery as Scofield is now. And sterile Walleye will have the same difficulty as Tiger Trout do now. They'll eat all of the young of the year chubs, and they won't be able to get big enough to eat the adult chubs. The Walleye in Starvation had their own young to get over that hurdle.

Once word got out about the Starvy Steelies it was a totally different ball game. And I don't want to wait another 30 years to have a decent fishery at Scofield, especially when it could be accomplished in 2.

There's not much difference between 30 years of sterile Walleyes and Wipers or 30 years with Tiger Trout and Cutthroats. Thirty years of skinny predators and nobody bothering to fish there.

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Re: [Dog-lover] Chubs at Fish Lake and a tagged perch - by Fishrmn - 03-08-2017, 06:21 PM

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