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Chubs at Fish Lake and a tagged perch
[quote Gemcityslayer]This website/forum has the largest group of "armchair biologists" ever assembled. So many experts on here.

Some of you really twist your way into a messy predicament. One lake has too many chubs, another not enough. At one lake it is a problem, at another a boon. I know every lake is different but come on people, having too many chubs is not a problem. "Too many chubs" produced world class Brown Trout fishing at the Gorge and at other lakes across the country. The current plan to address the abundance of chubs might not be working sufficiently but that doesn't mean you just poison the lake and remove such a valuable resource. Stop trying to turn Scofield into a rainbow lake. Doesn't make sense to do that. Use the chubs to your advantage and make it work somehow. Fisheries biologists across the country would LOVE to have "too many chubs" in one of their lakes. They would seek to find the right predator(s) to utilize the resource.[/quote]

LOL. Dissing on the armchair biologists, then pontificating biologic opinion like the best of them. Fair enough, all can play. Perhaps your brilliance can enlighten me on a couple of points you made.

1. Browns are already in Skoalfield in low numbers. I've personally seen an acquaintance catch one there. The lake is carefully checked with gillnetting annually. Where are all of the trophies if browns are the answer in Schofield?

2. I once heard a fisheries biologist in another state say how glad he is that he doesn't have to manage lakes that have Utah chubs around. It is well known that UDWR biologists don't like chubs in many of the fisheries here. Are all of these biologists "fakes" or incompetent and the "real" biologists work somewhere else? Where can Utah hire one of these real ones?

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Re: [Gemcityslayer] Chubs at Fish Lake and a tagged perch - by doggonefishin - 03-10-2017, 04:03 AM

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