11-28-2017, 10:39 PM
My first one was done with a wood file for shaping the handle, an old book (can get at second hand stores) to run the thread for a tensioner when wrapping the eyes, a cardboard box with "V" cuts at two ends to place the rod when wrapping, and a ruler for measuring.
Tools are not really all that important if you are doing only one or two.
On my later rods I used a variable speed drill for shaping the handle, with sandpaper and the file.
I bet you can do it. My first was done when I was only 10 years old. I did have some help from Dad, but limited.
Building a rod is easy, time consuming, but easy.
Tools are not really all that important if you are doing only one or two.
On my later rods I used a variable speed drill for shaping the handle, with sandpaper and the file.
I bet you can do it. My first was done when I was only 10 years old. I did have some help from Dad, but limited.
Building a rod is easy, time consuming, but easy.