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how can we get more people to keep a limit of laker pups?
[quote PBH]Education.

Take a look at what the UDWR did at Lake Powell with stripers and Wayne Gustaveson. The outreach program for Lake Powell has been phenomenal. Wayne's website specifically focuses on sharing information so anglers are more successful catching [and harvesting] stripers. In recent years, there has been increased focus on walleye, as their numbers are also an under-utilized resource. Anglers have caught on, and buy into the idea that harvesting stripers is good for the fishery. With this vested interest, anglers also support other anglers by helping to provide information on where to catch them, and how. When on the lake, anglers are not "selfish" and often times will encourage other boats to join in on the catch when schools are located. Everyone is on board with the idea that more harvest means better fishing.

You have to educate those people visiting FG, get them to buy off on the value of increased harvest, then help them be more successful in catching those fish. Further, you have to get those people that might not be "lake trout" anglers involved. You have to get that casual angler into the fish. Teach them how to catch those pups, and understand that it's OK to keep them. Promote the fishery. Help people catch more fish, and promote the harvest.

It's all education.[/quote]

The silly thing is you have to really not have any clue or not be "trying" to catch the pups, they will hit just about anything you put in front of them including koke gear. Another thing that bugs me is the high number of anglers who release smaller kokes knowing full well (or they are just clueless) that they will usually die, last year I netted several 1.5-2 pound kokes that were dying on the surface and put them in the cooler. Don't even get me started on what fishing competitions do to the kokanee population, or my opinion on anglers who keep the bigger macs.

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Re: [PBH] how can we get more people to keep a limit of laker pups? - by fish_hntr - 03-20-2018, 06:54 PM

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