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how can we get more people to keep a limit of laker pups?
[quote love2fishUtah]I... Especially since in Yellowstone they claim the biggest threat is the large adults because they produce thousands of eggs when they spawn. Yet in FG they want to rid the lake of the smaller pups and keep the larger Lakers.
It is also interesting to see fisherman at FG holding up big Laker trophies and then taking care to release them, and then see pictures of similar sized fish being netted and killed by the thousands in Yellowstone. There you are mandated to catch and kill every laker. They just drop them back into the lake.

Again, it's all education. Anglers have a very hard time when it comes to big fish, and thus they always want to protect them. Even when that protection may be compounding the problem they want solved. You see this all the time with regulations, and it's usually due to some social issue instead of a biological issue.

[quote MACMAN]I won’t believe there is actually a problem until our biologists recommend a change in the current law, otherwise it’s useless information. Education isn’t going to work until laws change either. [/quote]
This isn't true. Education certainly can have a dramatic effect under current laws and regulations. Promoting the fishery and educating anglers to the benefits of harvesting fish (any size) allowed under currently regulations is not a bad thing. That is not wasted effort. It is important.

[quote MACMAN]It’s going to be really hard to convince me to spend my precious time on the lake going after my least desired fish in the lake. [/quote]

But that's just you. What about all those other "non angler" boaters that frequent the lake? Do you think they'd snub their nose to an opportunity to catch fish that are supposedly an easy catch?? No way! There are a lot of people that frequent that lake without any specific fish in mind -- that's a great target group to educate and promote lake trout fishing to!

Lake Powell, Yellowstone, and FG are certainly all different. But that doesn't mean utilizing similar techniques to accomplish a goal isn't wise. Education is certainly a key component of effectively managing a fishery like FG.

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Re: [MACMAN] how can we get more people to keep a limit of laker pups? - by PBH - 03-22-2018, 03:14 PM

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