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Strawberry was slow today
we only had this many kokes by 9 AM
had 5 of us in the boat it took us till 12:30 to get are limit for 5 people 20 kokes
biggest was 20"
the last 3 hr best for downriggers was down 38 and 42' feet
all I used was squids pink and pink and white
lost one of my best dodgers on a big fish that is the 3rd one I have lost this year
you would think I would be smart enough to check my line and retie the knots.

the smoke was on the water from the fire it was burning are eyes

one good thing coming home no trucks are car's on the road could go down the hill as fast as I wanted

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Strawberry was slow today - by liketrolling - 07-05-2018, 10:40 PM

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