01-04-2019, 11:28 PM
I think some talk about all our local, and not so local, rivers and reservoirs is a good thing...especially now, we are talking ice safety on these various bodies of water....and let's face it, ice fishing is way more popular than it was 10, 15 years ago, and we all need a safe place to go...that's why Mantua gets hit so hard right away early....it'll settle down, so will Echo....but weekends and holidays will always see heavier usage, and Yup, Echo got hit hard soon after safe ice....I worked a long time to be able to fish during the week, and almost always leave weekends for those still working...you'll get there too....But now, talking about places like Strawberry, Mantua, Rockport, Pineview, Echo, Flaming Gorge, and even some of our neighborhood ponds, like Farmington, Bountiful, Kaysville, Holmes, etc. will help spread us out...be safe out there, have fun, and Guluk....