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$15.00 Fishing Camera
Sure, Jeff !

I have had it in the water through the ice at Bountiful Pond for maybe 10 minutes, and it worked fine. I could see some rocks and algae and stuff floating by very clearly. Hope to use it at Mantua soon, which is why I wanted it in the first place. I haven't actually used it fishing yet. Water clarity will, of course, determine its usability. The camera is OK, and the lights seem to help a lot.

I actually bought two cameras, about the same price. The square- shaped one with 4 LEDs produces a little better image. The lights on the round one with 8 small LEDs started working intermittently for no reason while I was still messing with wiring. Could be my fault. There is a ton of this stuff on Ebay and Amazon; some bigger screens, more fancy, some wireless rigs, whatever, and for $40.00-$50.00, you might put together a nicer one. This is proof of concept.

I mean, it is what it is. Not top of the line; just something accessible for people who don't have anything else, or who like projects. Someone could probably do a much better job waterproofing and wiring and all that if they know more about electronics than I do. But, so far I can't see any reason why it won't show me fish within a few feet of my hole, and maybe why they don't like my rig.

Messages In This Thread
$15.00 Fishing Camera - by Springbuck - 01-10-2019, 12:24 AM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] $15.00 Fishing Camera - by Springbuck - 01-10-2019, 05:16 PM

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