02-11-2019, 04:20 PM
Kent, you need to look at weight as well as ability to go... The wheelers with tracks are very heavy. Got a friend that has one and he needs 8" or more ice to dare go on with it. They will be similar in weight to a side by side... So I'd say snowmobile, but you have to know your limitations and stay off the slushy days or go around the slush areas.. I prefer not to fish in the wet of slush, it usually only lasts a day or two, so I avoid the bad days, they aren't fun to fish anyway... For snowmobiles, it's really hard to select one for someone else because each person has different abilities. For me I like a mountain type sled with big track and paddles so I can use the horse power to get out of bad situations, but if you haven't rode enough to be experienced, then you can get in trouble with that type sled and might be better off with the trail model... Also age can be a factor on what will work best too. As we get older, the electric start and wide tracks and skis are probably better options because they start better and have enough flotation to stay on top of the soup... Hopefully Packfan will pipe in and tell you about his sled, or perhaps Dubob will as well... For me I still like the Ski Doo Summit, but I've rode sleds forever and so I'm used to more difficult sleds to ride, but it can be a miserable sled to get going... Anyway if weight isn't a factor, those tracked wheelers are tanks and go pretty well... Later J