02-20-2019, 04:20 PM
Funny you should mention that because I've done that exact thing twice, once at Porcupine and once at Causey both times we were able to limit out in a matter of minutes. When I did it at The Pig, I was with Packfan and a bunch of his friends that came up that day, catching our limits of 12 in under an hour if I remember correctly. When I did it at Causey, I was with a bunch of folks from BFT. Wiperslayer and I were the first to start catching them but then other members started moving over and that kept them there until most of them caught their limits. I think like you said that all those people being in a group like that, kept them there in both cases but I thought this video also shows that just having a few jigging dodgers in the same spot also helps.