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I'm going to go out on a limb here and hope I don't offend anyone. After all "politics and religion" and all that. Here goes.

I was sitting in church last week dreaming about fishing (isn't there and old joke about that?) when I was struck by an epiphany (didn't hurt too much). I'm sorry to have to admit but I have mostly just been going through the motions lately. Out of nowhere the thought came to me that I could set some weekly goals from the messages in the hymns we sing. My wife agreed. In a nutshell here is what I got from last week's songs:

1. Be humble
2. Make someone feel glad and lighten others' burdens
3. Pray for your wants and wishes

I've tried to do these things this week and have had some success.

One of my wants and wishes is to catch some fish. I think the things above form a good pattern to follow. If I am humble and prayerful and try to make someone else happy I think it may come back to me that I get what I want, no matter how mundane or "wordly" it may be.

Message to me: don't brag too much or act proud, take someone else fishing (my daughter-in-law for one) and thank the Lord for letting me enjoy the blessings of this world he created. And lest you think I'm too much of a heathen, I intend to apply this to things that are more "spiritual" too.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

Messages In This Thread
Goals - by catchinon - 05-26-2019, 04:48 PM
Re: [catchinon] Goals - by Jig-fisher - 05-26-2019, 05:27 PM
Re: [catchinon] Goals - by Vivid-Dawn - 05-27-2019, 08:48 AM
Re: [Vivid-Dawn] Goals - by catchinon - 05-27-2019, 01:43 PM
Re: [catchinon] Goals - by dubob - 05-27-2019, 09:47 PM
Re: [catchinon] Goals - by Vivid-Dawn - 05-27-2019, 11:40 PM

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