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LB report Monday 9/9/19
Quote:Can you go too slow?
Yes, but it is hard to do and depends on the day. Think of it like a sicence experiment . The limit of slow is stopped and lots of cats are caught stopped.

Here's an example from my last trip. Lately I have been "into" varying the speed periodically to see if it would trigger strikes from "followers." On the last trip I varied the speed from 0.2 to 0.9 mph. After the first hour of daylight, when they hit almost anything, the cats showed a preference for 0.3 to 0.4. I got good numbers of white bass, but almost all of them came when the speed was above 0.6. It is good to vary it and let them tell you.

One more though, from about 3 weeks ago. Julie and I were heading in from deeper water to see what was happening close to the reeds. We had done well outside at 0.5 to 0.7, but mostly for scattered fish. About 60 feet out from the reeds we suddenly had 3 cats on at once. Thinking we had found the mother lode, I set the spot lock. After we got the 3 in the boat, released and the lines back in the water we had a nice relaxed 30 minute conversation. Not a single interruption from a cat. Julie finally said, politely: "Maybe we should keep going, I don't think they are here." We started strolling again and hadn't gone 50 feet when we got 2 more. I've seen several days that you could get them to take a moving bait way more often than just sitting.

Messages In This Thread
LB report Monday 9/9/19 - by catchinon - 09-10-2019, 04:28 PM
Re: [catchinon] LB report Monday 9/9/19 - by Piscophilic - 09-10-2019, 06:50 PM

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