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Ice Fishing Demo and Senior Day
Some of you may have seen us mention putting together an ice fishing get together / demo day / senior day... The thought started as a day on the ice where we could help older fishermen that don't get a chance to get on the ice much anymore get a chance to get a day of ice fishing and visiting with fellow BFT'ers. It gets difficult for older folks to move on and off the ice and all the hassle associated with setting up for a day on the ice.. So we thought it would be good for those of us that can, would help set up the senior members.. I mentioned this to Jeremy at Sportsman's Warehouse and he was interested in helping with the day and perhaps setting up an ice fishing demo day as part of the event. Where we would showcase some of the ice fishing technology to others to check out and hopefully stir up sales for them as well as letting fishermen see what the tech does on the pond so they know what they are buying... So my question for you is if we did this in mid to end of January time frame on Hyrum dam, would you be interested in attending? helping seniors? helping with demo's? checking out technology? senior fishing? (P.S. we consider a senior anyone that could use some help on and off the ice.) (We could also do a new bee group that hasn't ice fished much and could use help setting up to ice fish..) Anyway please let me know if there is a real interest in doing this and we will push to organize it. Thanks Jeff

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Ice Fishing Demo and Senior Day - by SkunkedAgain - 11-07-2019, 08:22 PM

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