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Willard Whisker Perch 11-12-19
[#0000ff]Hoping to find some more perch today at the north marina. Got a lot...but they all had whiskers.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Launched at 7:30. Air temp 26 and water temp 44, rising a couple of degrees before noon departure. Good water clarity and the lake is still coming up.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Glassy calm. Saw lots of little rings on the surface inside the harbor...shadlets. And the early birds spotted them too and were soon diving all over the lake. These were live active shad...not dying ones. That is until the terns turned them into breakfast.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Found nothing on sonar or on the end of my line either coming out the channel or in one of my fave areas outside. A fishy desert. Motored over to Eagle Beach and started seeing a few small balls of shad. Also started getting inquiries. Picked up several whiskery perch in 12 feet of water. Didn't get any love on plastics or jigs below a bobber. I was also hoping maybe for a crappie. Nope.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]After the sun was well up over the mountain the shad left the shallow areas and I got no more action for over a half hour. So I cranked up the electric motor and motated over to the north dike. Just before I got there...while going over about 17 feet of water...I started seeing large areas of the bottom covered with shad. Put on the brakes and put out a couple of baited fligs.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Non-stop kitty action for the next hour or so. I could not even fish two rods. As soon as I put out a minnow-baited flig the active cats would haul the rod tip down and hook themselves. I did have a couple of double hookups before I downsized to one rod.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Those cool cats hit hard but wimped out pretty quick on the battle. I did have a couple that put up a good fight, but most just thrashed and rolled. I mighta thunk I was on Strawberry except these cutts had whiskers.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]The big shad schools moved on and so did the other guys. I had caught about 15 or so and had already kept a limit so I packed up and motored back over to the mouth of the harbor to check the potential perch census there. Did see some shad, but nothing seemed to be hanging around for the feed. No more bites.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Lovely day. No boats on the water, no skiers and no skeeters. No perch neither but tugs is tugs. I gladly accept love from my kitty friends when nobody else wants to play with me. I got no pride.

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Willard Whisker Perch 11-12-19 - by TubeDude - 11-12-2019, 09:31 PM

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