11-28-2019, 03:52 PM
Thank you all and happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
On this day let us remember the pilgrims and their gamble in a new world, the natives that compassionately helped them survive and the pioneers that came after from sea to shining sea.
Ask that our soldiers all over the world, on and below the ocean be protected and kept safe until their return, that their families be unburdened as they also sacrifice parts of their lives so that we may enjoy the safety and freedoms that we take for granted on a daily basis.
Remember the bounties we enjoy daily and the comforts most dream of having, remember those less fortunate and bless them with whatever fruits you can spare. Blankets, sweaters, socks and coats are always needed, clean out the reserve of hotel toiletries and donate to the food bank this holiday season.
Pay it forward.
Give thanks.
On this day let us remember the pilgrims and their gamble in a new world, the natives that compassionately helped them survive and the pioneers that came after from sea to shining sea.
Ask that our soldiers all over the world, on and below the ocean be protected and kept safe until their return, that their families be unburdened as they also sacrifice parts of their lives so that we may enjoy the safety and freedoms that we take for granted on a daily basis.
Remember the bounties we enjoy daily and the comforts most dream of having, remember those less fortunate and bless them with whatever fruits you can spare. Blankets, sweaters, socks and coats are always needed, clean out the reserve of hotel toiletries and donate to the food bank this holiday season.
Pay it forward.
Give thanks.