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Flaming Gorge Firehole - Dec 27-28
Not necessarily, the first time we fished for burbot was a firehole too, we did not fish with anyone with experience and we did ok. We did not kill them but we caught plenty for our first trip. Sound like you were doing everything right, if you were fishing just off the bottom but rocky points and shore lines are the key. I've caught them on sandy bottoms too but never any numbers that way.
You can for sure catch them in the same holes but I've never caught that many lakers while fishing for burbot.

Messages In This Thread
Flaming Gorge Firehole - Dec 27-28 - by joatmon - 12-30-2019, 12:50 AM
Re: [catchinon] Flaming Gorge Firehole - Dec 27-28 - by wiperhunter2 - 12-30-2019, 03:06 AM

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