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Strawberry cuts are pigs
Hit the berry yesterday (5/28) for Kokes.  Had a tough morning and only managed to boat 2 by noon then we found a school and limited out in by 1.  Had one double hook up - that was fun.  In the mean time could hardly keep the cuts off the rigs, stopped counting at 30. Had a pretty crazy thing happen.  I was stacking my downriggers 15 feet between lines and had a cut take both lines on the starboard side.  He was hooked solid in the mouth with both rigs...

[Image: 0630-EBD3-752-A-4539-BDDD-1-F25-EEC38701-1-105-c.jpg]
[Image: 7217-EE46-C18-C-4-F5-E-B196-62-EB936394-E5-1-105-c.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Strawberry cuts are pigs - by wall3y3 - 05-28-2020, 03:58 PM
RE: Strawberry cuts are pigs - by Bduck - 05-28-2020, 07:25 PM
RE: Strawberry cuts are pigs - by TiteLines - 05-31-2020, 11:17 PM

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