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Lincoln beach- trip two
I made it back down to my favorite place Friday morning. I left Blackfoot at 4:30 and had my first cat in the boat at 8:45, a 23 1/2 incher. I landed 13 fishing the weeds before 1 pm my biggest a 24 inches and 5 1/2 pounds. And then took a break before checking out Bird Island. It was slow, I got two in three hours but my best of the day: 26" and 8 lbs. 
 I was back at Lincoln Beach by 5:30 Saturday morning. Got my first at 6:15 then one at 6:30 and every 10 or 15 minutes I'd get one. And at 7:20 I had one on each pole. And at 9:20 I caught my 10th one of the morning and quit before the wind got up. I got them all (25) on night crawler and shrimp and a red and white bobber.[Image: amazon-photos-shared-media3769620228855496705.jpg] Boy it is hard to get a good picture on the bump board. I don't know how you guys in the contest do it.

Messages In This Thread
Lincoln beach- trip two - by fast_randy - 06-01-2020, 01:30 AM
RE: Lincoln beach- trip two - by catchinon - 06-01-2020, 01:29 PM
RE: Lincoln beach- trip two - by fast_randy - 06-01-2020, 03:09 PM
RE: Lincoln beach- trip two - by Piscophilic - 06-02-2020, 11:20 PM
RE: Lincoln beach- trip two - by Tin-Can - 06-03-2020, 12:13 PM

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