06-01-2020, 06:19 PM
(06-01-2020, 05:38 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: I don't know why they didn't just release the fish, rather than wasting them.... Especially that many fish... Maybe they'll think twice next time and let them go, if they don't plan on taking care of them... Kind of funny they haven't been bragging about that catch, I haven't heard many good white bass stories this year, so they will probably let it slip sometime... Guess that's why I'm a lower limits fan... I have a hard time seeing why anyone should need more than 10 to 15 fish per day... Even if they only bite well a couple times a year... But my family won't eat fish, so I guess my opinion doesn't count for much... Later JeffAnglers have far less impact on the white bass population than water level changes, predator numbers, etc. But harvesting everything you catch...just because you can...just ain't right neither. Unfortunately, there is always the angling contingent that measures the success of a trip by poundage brought home...not by the esthetics of the experience. These same "sportsmen" keep limits of trout to show off and then either give them away or put them in the freezer until the millenium...with few or none ever making it to the table.