06-06-2020, 11:17 PM
(05-01-2020, 05:11 PM)catchinon Wrote: I was sitting out in the middle of the lake the other day thinking about catching a big catfish when it suddenly dawned on me that in my post above I had left out an important step in calculating catfish weight from length. Corrected: take the length of the cat and DROP THE 2 then add one to get the approximate weight. Example: 26" cat, drop the 2 = 6, add one = ~7 pounder. This works for channel cats in the 24-29" range. For longer fish you should add 1.5.
If I understand this, for a 30" cat you would drop the 2 (actually subtract 20), that wouild give you 10 + 1.5 = 11.5 poounds. That was right on for the one I got, but Julie's was slender and only weighed 9.5. I like the simplicity and it seems pretty close.