06-19-2020, 12:00 PM
(06-18-2020, 12:38 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: I remember having part of this discussion with you, not to long ago, about having to take your boat to Franklin to get it inspected. Maybe not getting a lot of people from out of state was their plan all along, it's not at all uncommon that local folks don't like to see people from out of state visiting their little slice of heaven .Yep, wiperhunter2, it was part of the canal companies and locals original plan to keep a majority of Utahans out of the area and off of the waters even though that is where the majority of the money was coming from at the time into the County. I talked to a reputable individual from down around that area last week about the charge again and the County and even city fathers and others who originally where putting seed money into the Canal Companies coffers to help support the programs, finally realized that what they were doing was actually hurting their economy hard. Particularly in the summer season. So much money was coming into the economy from out of staters through the purchase of gas, food, fishing items, motel rooms, boat and other recreation items, and when they stopped coming into the area due to the new rules by the Canal companies, that they stopped giving the money out. It took many years for them to realize that they were essentially cutting their own throats by pushing that rule, and many of us at the time it was implemented said it would happen but the local governments claimed it wasnt that big of an impact, has found out that we were correct after all. But, nothing they can do now about it because of the rules of the Canal company put the waters as private and anyone who uses the waters without paying can and have been charged for trespassing.
I know there have been a couple tickets issued but I dont know the outcome of it, but, its not worth ruinning your day to push it and not pay and get a ticket in the end. So, it's one of them things that we all will have to continue to pay as long as the local State Senator agrees with it and supports the canal companies and even though the Sportsman's access at Glendale is/was a joint venture by F&G and the County, not the canal companies years ago, I just cant believe that F&G continues to allow the Canal company to set up on F&G lands and charge the fee to just launch a boat, but, it's probably allow it to happen or get the entire water closed to any sportsman activities.
Either way, it's a little spendy, but, about the only place in East Idaho to catch any pan fish and have a good time doing it. So, I just bite the bullet each time and plan on either an overnight trip or one long day so i can get boat inspected at Franklin and back to put in while it's still cool out and not a lot of people on the water.