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BFT Convention at Lincoln Beach 6-23-20
(06-26-2020, 02:06 PM)catchinon Wrote: I fished Monday and caught 8. I landed 7 between 9:00 and 12:15, then had to go for two fruitless hours to get number 8. But it was worth it: a pugnacious 28.5"er to give me a half-inch bump in the contest.

I had planned to fish on Tuesday but reality got in the way. Was glad to see a couple of you at the ramp but Sad to miss the whole party.

I went out for a pretty full day on Wednesday. I had set my minimum goal at 8, average goal at 15, and max goal at 20. Had the 8 by 10:25 and 13 by noon. The wind and waves got pushy then and I decided it would be a lot safer up by the springs. When I got there it was zero, zilch, etc. Three things contributed to the sudden halt to the bite: I changed location, ran out of their favorite bait, and well, it was after noon. I got my last morning cat at 11:59 and they were still biting steadily. After moving up to the springs area I drifted back down past the orchards to  the area where I had good success in the morning. It took me until 3:50 to get number 14 and from then till 5:38 I picked up several more. I finished with 18, the largest being 26".

I had gone to an area that I don't believe gets fished a lot. I tried various depths and distances from shore. I mostly kept from 300 to 500 yards out in the 8 fow range. The best bait I used was a special cherry chicken concoction I made up. PM me if you want the recipe. Most of the fish were caught on a couple of different fligs, one that featured purple, chartreuse and orange/red and another that was blue over silver (sorry, Dude, not sure what monikers you've christened each of your creations with; btw, speaking of creations, when are you going to make some really big ones called the Frankensteins?). I digress-- can you tell I have ADD? Temperatures were 70 to 74 degrees. I mostly drifted with the wind and I have no idea how fast I was going but I tried to go slow and slower (I usually do, and that's not just for fishing either).

Speaking of slow, I am late to hit the road for another day of fishing at Lincoln. I really try to get there early, even getting up as early as 4:00 but things always get in the way (see comment above about ADD). But I'm kinda with Dubob who doesn't worry about getting there super early and says he catches as many as the early birds do.
Wow Craig, that is a marathon day! Thanks for the report and the commentary!

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RE: BFT Convention at Lincoln Beach 6-23-20 - by Piscophilic - 06-26-2020, 03:03 PM

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