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Willard Bay trip # 13 NBC and.........
..........smoke.  KSL says there are 560 fires burning in California. Many in the north central area out and around Sacramento. Travis AFB was ordered to evacuate. Spent some time up in those areas both as a kid and then on USAF active duty. 

Anyway...... on to fishing in Utah. 
Got launched from south marina at 6:50 a.m yesterday. Air temp on arrival at the dock was a nice 58 deg. with water temp in the marina at 78. 
The inlet channel past Smith & Edwards is still pretty close to full, but water level in the south marina & main body has dropped another foot approx. Still 4 to 5 fow at outside of docks, 10-12 fow going out the channel, and past the buoy line drops from about 9 to 18 fow. 
It is beginning to get a bit "iffy" on the ramps. Heard one of the bigger power squadron boats clip a prop as they were launching while I was pulling out about 1 p.m. And that was after I saw the DNR Ranger boat running from north to south about 1130. From the change of position of the docks It looked as if they had just been pulled further out to provide deeper water at their outside edges. 

[Image: 072-21-Aug-2020-0651-a-m.jpg]

Got out on the water and basically headed straight north-east till I got into water 16-18' deep. Seems to be where I have been seeing the most fish marks my last few trips. Ran a wide S turn troll almost all the way to Freeway Bay. Did a U turn and ran more narrow turn pattern back to just about directly off of the feed lot about 300 yards.  Now sun up above east mountains but couldn't really see it due to the smoke. Ran a couple loops thru all my recent way points, saw lots of fish arcs on the little TV, but looked like maybe they were wearing M17A1 masks............. Dodgy .

About 10:30 decided to drop anchor on one of my last marked catch spots. Put out 2 lines with raw shrimp. One on the bottom, one on a gorilla flig.  In just about 30 minutes, had first hit. Typical cookie cutter Cat.  

[Image: 073-Cat-1-1107-a-m-CPR.jpg]

Then averaged 1 boated Cat about every 30 to 45 min. And they all got progressively smaller     Sad   .

[Image: 074-Cat-2-1205-p-m-CPR.jpg]  [Image: 075-Cat-3-1224-p-m-CPR.jpg]   [Image: 076-Cat-4-1233-p-m-CPR.jpg]  [Image: 077-Cat-5-1259-p-m-CPR.jpg]

All were released with only a minor sore lip for their effort to get a free shrimp lunch.  Wink  .  

 Smoke had provide some protection from the sun, but just about the time the power squadron started showing up in force, so did the midges, so called it quits about 1230 p.m.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder

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Willard Bay trip # 13 NBC and......... - by Tin-Can - 08-22-2020, 02:12 PM

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