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Walleye bay? Deer creek February 5th
I arrived at Deer Creek this morning before sunrise. Light drizzle of snow and a bit breezy. The ice was soft on the edge about 2 ft out, but once on I felt confident walking on the ice. I used my spud bar all the way out to where I wanted to fish. The ice was 5 inches thick and a bit cloudy. I set up to fish near a rocky shoreline where I had float tube fished in the past and knew the area and it had a nice drop-off. I found my best amount of interest from the toothy fish from 645 am until 8, then it shut down. I caught two walleyes, a 22 incher and a 19 incher. Both were males. I had a couple of other onlookers that did not want to hit my offerings. My sweet spot was 28 ft deep and the eyes would come up 5 ft off the bottom. Both eyes landed hit a tikka minnow tipped with perch meat. They both inhaled the tikka minnow. That was my first time catching eyes through the ice with something other than a rattling spoon. This morning the eyes didn't show interest in my trusty rattling spoon. I can't remember my BFT password to upload pictures from my phone. I was excited as it had been a couple of years that I waited for DC to freeze safely for my standards. With the upcoming temps, it may be a one and done trip for me to ice walleyes this year on DC. 

Messages In This Thread
Walleye bay? Deer creek February 5th - by Freakyfisherman - 02-06-2021, 07:03 AM
RE: Walleye bay? Deer creek February 5th - by Fritzfishin - 02-06-2021, 02:58 PM

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