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Unknown reservoir west of Beaver
rolled into beav late thurs
got an hour of fishin in and had a few hot fish on but net got left at home
plundered the point fresh pow friday
[Image: %3Ewidth=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds]
made it back to town as theĀ  i15 and town turned into a parking lot
probably an hour late saturday but lit em up pretty good with everybody else
bought a net from the eclectic guns tackle antique junk and pawn store
to actually land a few br[Image: IMG_6325.JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds]
[Image: SavedImage_0313211307l.jpg?width=1920&]
[Image: IMG_6342_(2).JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds]

went for a walk in the tushers sunday
[Image: IMG_6365_(2).JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds]
[Image: IMG_6375_(2).JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds]
[Image: IMG_6400_(2).JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds]
stopped back by and stuck a few mur
[Image: IMG_6527_(2).JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds]
[Image: IMG_6337_(2).JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds]
im gonna make it a point to drag the boat back and score some spring tushy corn n bows
[Image: IMG_6522.JPG?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds]
both places had the good vibe going

Messages In This Thread
Unknown reservoir west of Beaver - by richyd4u - 03-04-2021, 08:34 PM
RE: Unknown reservoir west of Beaver - by cje04 - 03-05-2021, 02:07 AM
RE: Unknown reservoir west of Beaver - by Deke3 - 03-18-2021, 05:25 PM
RE: Unknown reservoir west of Beaver - by fishskibum - 03-19-2021, 01:10 PM

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