05-21-2021, 05:33 PM
(05-21-2021, 01:58 PM)Riffle Wrote: Fishing action for me at Little Dell has definitely picked up in the last couple of weeks with the warming water temps. Water levels have come up a bit but are still extremely low compared to same time frame in previous years. I also seem to be catching many more smaller cutts this year. Has anyone else noticed a change in size? I know from the stocking reports a large number of smaller fish were stocked in October 2019. Maybe this is the reason. Not sure how much natural production occurs and survives in this reservoir.
I think the average Little Dell fish for me this year has been right around that 14-15 inch range with a handful of 17 inchers thrown in. Honestly, I have never landed any truly large Cutthroats here… maybe topping out in the 18-19 inch range. All the 20-plus fish I have seen/landed have been Rainbows.
In years of good flows the Cutts pack into the feeder stream 1st week of June, but never saw any really large fish there either. The massive fluctuations in water levels are not conducive to growing large fish. It’s a shame, because the bottom content is absolutely perfect for Chironomids, but the massive drawdowns greatly limit their numbers.
"We fish for pleasure... I for Mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring