05-24-2021, 06:55 PM
Most of our rainbows are sterile plants, at about 9" long. If they don't have it by then it is highly unlikely they will be impacted by it. Because Cutties have some resistance (the parasite does not survive in the cold water Cutties spawn in), and because Cutthroat are the species that they are trying to reestablish, and because Rainbows are not naturally spawning in Utah anymore, and because Browns seem to be resistant to infection, the damage may have been adverted for the most part.
"Anglers are impacted by whirling disease because it affects the health of popular sportfish. Whirling disease is most infective to Rainbow Trout and Cutthroat Trout, but can infect all salmonid species. Brown, Grayling, and Bull Trout may become infected with the parasite, but appear to be resistant to infection. " https://www.google.com/search?q=Can+Brow...e&ie=UTF-8
"Anglers are impacted by whirling disease because it affects the health of popular sportfish. Whirling disease is most infective to Rainbow Trout and Cutthroat Trout, but can infect all salmonid species. Brown, Grayling, and Bull Trout may become infected with the parasite, but appear to be resistant to infection. " https://www.google.com/search?q=Can+Brow...e&ie=UTF-8