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Willard Bay Report
(05-26-2021, 11:41 PM)liketrolling Wrote: got to willard at 6:10 am had to pick two guys up
lot of wind and white caps.   wanted to make a video but  to windy the fishfinders were hard to read.
(started trolling 2 to 3 mph  2.7 was best. )with two poles then went to 3 then got brave and put 5 out hooked a wiper he and the wind got into all 5 lines  had to cut line of ever reel. I was using my downriggers can't fish without  them and one planer board
ended up with 3 wipers (one was real big over 5 lbs)  3 cats got one going 3 mph.  and 3 walleyes.
trying to teach this one guy how to fish, so stopped trolling at 11 and went fliging  got one cat and had two bits
came home, got my boat ready for Kokanee going to strawberry tomorrow getting up at 3 am will not get a lot of sleep Jazz play at 8 tonight.

I've never used downriggers at WB.  Sounds like it works, though.  What were you using?  I have crankbaits the I can run from ~4' down to ~20'.  I guess a spinner rig would work, but otherwise it does seem like downriggers are much help at WB, especially with the low water level.
Single main, no kicker. Wink

Messages In This Thread
Willard Bay Report - by liketrolling - 05-26-2021, 11:41 PM
RE: Willard Bay Report - by 2knots - 05-27-2021, 12:29 AM
RE: Willard Bay Report - by wiperhunter2 - 05-27-2021, 12:30 AM
RE: Willard Bay Report - by liketrolling - 05-27-2021, 02:03 AM
RE: Willard Bay Report - by wiperhunter2 - 05-27-2021, 03:00 AM
RE: Willard Bay Report - by Paddler - 05-27-2021, 03:57 PM

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