08-19-2021, 01:57 PM
(08-19-2021, 11:03 AM)duksnfish Wrote: Ok so i know this wont be about Idaho fishing, but, I believe some of you may have or do fish Flaming Gorge at times. So, I thought I'd drop a quick note to see how you have done and what maybe you use for koks and lake trout there. I originally worked for the Forest Service there back in 1977 thru Oct 1979 and havent been back down there since. So, thought I'd take a trip and go visit some friends who I havent seen in a long time and take the boat and try a bit of fishing for a while. I know the koks, like here, are staging for spawning, but, thought I might just try and see what happens.No problem posting this here and you should be able to catch the kokes, at least until they shut it down for the spawn, which I think is Sept 15th. You should be able to catch some, using the gear you use in Idaho, although from most reports, it has been slow for them lately. The key as it is on any koke lake is to find them. Do you plan on fishing on the Utah side or the Wyo side of the lake? Both sides have different fees and permit you will need to get to fish there. The kokes are a little bigger on the Wyo side but people are having an easier time catching them on the Utah side, down by sheep creek and you can keep 4 on the Utah side but only three in Wyo. There have been a few reports on the Utah board about fishing for the Lake Trout but not many, the last report involved dragging their downrigger balls over the tops of underwater islands, with one lure on the bottom, then another lure stacked 10 ft off the bottom. The theory being that some trout will see the siltĀ getting movedĀ around and go to see what it is and the higher lure will catch those fish that are on the bottom that get spooked by the ball and rise to get above it. Good luck, hope you find some willing fish.
So, if I cant post this up here, let me know and Ill take it down, but, I'd love to see what some of my Idaho folks have done before down at the Gorge.
Hope this goes well and I'll let everyone know if I have any luck or just get a big zero, lol.