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Blustery Day at Provo Harbor
Hey Jim, it's actually been better than usual for me this time of year... If I could just keep my boat motor running... Took off Saturday and headed north, got the boat up on plane and all was going well, then 4-500 yards out of the launch the engine just cut out and I couldn't get it to keep running after that... (I think I might have water in the gas tank and filled the carbs with water so engine wouldn't run.) Anyway since I was away from the dock I decided to not ruin an outing so I cast out and it wasn't long before I had my first 25", shortly after a 26"er joined the fun and then a 24"er to finish the trio... All of them fought well above their pay grade and so i had a lot of fun... Then the dang wind started to blow from the SE and it was pushing me further away from the ramp, so I decided it was time to get out of there... Well my electric and paddle wasn't quite strong enough to make any headway against the wind, so I headed to the east shore and got out and pulled the boat back to the ramp... It was a slick bottom and waist deep water trip, but I made it... The youth duck hunt was open so when I got to the ramp there was a Sheriff deputy and CO there watching my stupid soggy trick... They didn't come right out to laugh at me, but I knew they probably were in their trucks busting a gut... Anyway sorry long way of saying the fishing is okay... I think if I would have been able to get where I wanted to go, I may have done better, but who knows maybe I would have been skunked.. I keep wanting to get back, but seems like there is plenty to keep me busy these days... Glad you guys can still make it out on your pond, and great to see all the big fish you're finding... You've had a pretty spectacular year... I should figure out your flait rigging, it sounds like it's working really well for you... Is it like the Santee rig? I've been using that this year and it's working pretty well for me, but it seems like every other trip they want it different... I have one of Pat's Gorilla fligs set up (Is that the 8 aught size ones) and the other day I caught a bullhead on it and the hook was so big it came out the back of it's head and it hardly reached half the shank in its mouth... not sure how it got that big of hook in it's mouth, but it was kind of cool.. True over achiever... Well best of luck down the stretch, I guess we are getting into the tail end of the cat contest now, hope we can get a few bigger fish before the water cools off too much... Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!

Messages In This Thread
Blustery Day at Provo Harbor - by Piscophilic - 09-21-2021, 07:41 PM
RE: Blustery Da at Provo Harbor - by SkunkedAgain - 09-22-2021, 02:55 PM
RE: Blustery Day at Provo Harbor - by Piscophilic - 09-22-2021, 03:16 PM
RE: Blustery Day at Provo Harbor - by SkunkedAgain - 09-22-2021, 06:01 PM
RE: Blustery Day at Provo Harbor - by Piscophilic - 09-22-2021, 06:22 PM

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