10-06-2021, 02:29 PM
Got out to the north marina by 8 and the kayak was in the water and fishing by 8:30. Nothing for the first hour, but finally got a catfish in 4 FOW off Eagle Beach. No Skunk today. Fished from 4 to 10 FOW. Lots of bait balls but it was 10:30 before I found another dumb one. Spent a while making big lazy circles off the marina entrance. Last catfish was caught inside the marina working the channel back to the ramp. Water temp was 58 when I arrived and 61 at 11:30. Ramp depth is still pretty good. 3 feet off water off the end of the ramp and the channel through the marina was a consistent 6 FOW. Much better than the south marina. All three fish caught dragging a Santee rig tipped with chicken. Second rod was tipped with sucker pieces. Only one pop and drop on that side.