12-21-2021, 11:20 PM
(12-21-2021, 10:38 PM)Springbuck1 Wrote: Oh, I ain't ruffled, Pat. Don' t think that for a moment. You've never been anything but helpful and kind to me, AND ABOUT on this forum, I just took the chance to talk about me a little, I guess. Purposely avoided all the stuff that never worked.Ha. My first fly-tying "vise" was a clothes pin...held in my left hand while I wrapped thread with my right hand.
I, too, tied chicken feather flies when I was eight, in a bench vise, but my neighbor kept guinea fowl and peacocks, so some were fancy. Sewing thread, kite string, Christmas tinsel. Everybody used to do it like that a hunnert years ago. I don't need a LOT more stuff, honestly, but maybe more time off, knowing more of the right people, knowing a few more things. We can't all shoot the big elk, geese, and catch lakers and walleye, but my needs are relatively simple. As I once said to my dad, " Some men aspire to panfish, and some men have panfish thrust upon them......"
On top of that, I was serious, in a kidding way, about what I said in my first post. I really do get a kick out of finding a better way, or another way, to do something, that is simpler, takes less money, engineering, resources, etc. and actually works. It's a hobby.
I have always been a member of the "finding a better way, or another way, to do something, that is simpler, takes less money, engineering, resources, etc. and actually works" school. And, like Thomas Edison and the light bulb, I have sometimes found a 1000 ways something would not work before finding something that would. I fully agree that the journey is its own reward...and usually better than the destination. We must have gone to different schools together.