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state parts response
Surf boats have ruined our Southern UT lakes. These boats have their noses in the air and the drivers looking behind them, making them very dangerous and often unaware of their path, heading directly at other boats. I have had to use my horn countless times during the summer months to get the attention of one of these surf boats heading directly at us. The horn doesn't always work since they are usually BLASTING music so loud that you can hear them across the lake. Even boats that see you often come by wayyyy to close and end up washing your boat out. These people seem clueless, even when we are yelling at them and casting across their bows. I would have more empathy if the lake was completely full and they had no room, but when these instances occur generally there is TONS of open water away from us. Any driving these boats makes it ten times worse. There should be some kind of training/licensure for boat drivers IMO.

Messages In This Thread
state parts response - by doitall5000 - 03-22-2022, 04:49 PM
RE: state parts response - by SkunkedAgain - 03-22-2022, 05:16 PM
RE: state parts response - by MSM1970 - 03-22-2022, 06:16 PM
RE: state parts response - by fishgiver - 03-22-2022, 06:40 PM
RE: state parts response - by doitall5000 - 03-22-2022, 07:08 PM
RE: state parts response - by gofish435 - 03-22-2022, 08:02 PM
RE: state parts response - by kd... - 03-22-2022, 11:57 PM
RE: state parts response - by FatBiker - 03-23-2022, 12:05 AM
RE: state parts response - by Paddler - 03-23-2022, 02:22 AM
RE: state parts response - by catchinon - 03-23-2022, 02:34 PM
RE: state parts response - by BYUHunter - 03-23-2022, 04:08 PM
RE: state parts response - by richyd4u - 03-23-2022, 04:24 PM
RE: state parts response - by mme1 - 03-24-2022, 01:21 AM
RE: state parts response - by doitall5000 - 03-24-2022, 02:34 AM
RE: state parts response - by MrShane - 03-24-2022, 03:53 AM
RE: state parts response - by doitall5000 - 03-24-2022, 05:45 AM
RE: state parts response - by Bduck - 03-24-2022, 03:34 PM
RE: state parts response - by smokepoles - 03-25-2022, 07:57 PM

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