04-18-2022, 12:13 PM
Uintaman, I used to love the Uinta's until I got started on the Winds, now i hardly ever take a trip back to the Uinta's..... Seems like the scenery and fish quality of the Winds is so much better, plus in the right spots the crowds haven't ruined the Winds yet... However, there are trailheads that are way over run with people for sure... Some of the prettiest scenery is on those packed trailheads now, but there are other areas that are totally amazing... I love both areas, but I guess the majestic granite and big mac won me over, so even though it's a lot longer drive, when I'm ready to take a hike, I'm heading to the Wind Rivers...
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!