06-02-2022, 06:31 PM
Hey Curt, Bob---river bed no longer visible, as full as I've seen it...10 came to the net for us, 1 (smallest) was a brown..largest 3 or 4 were 16"..I do bring mine home, and as I've said before, I fillet them and have a ready group that appreciate the fresh fish..Yes, I prefer a kokanee, walleye, perch, or a crappie feast, but once in awhile I'll save a nice trout fillet for myself also...bleed 'em out, keep 'em on ice, fillet 'em as soon as you can...good eating....Bob, I'd fished E.C. 4 times earlier, so just wanted to give R.P. a try, and glad we did...but I'll be back to E.C. Saturday, the 11th, for DNR's Kayak fishing/training/safety event...Yes, I'll have my kayak..yes, you know why I'll be there....