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Lost Creek Kokanee Rule Change
Thought I better chime in and clarify this one for everyone.  The way the rules for Lost Creek are currently laid out in the rule bit are indeed a bit murky, which is why GrandpaD got a different and more conservative interpretation from our front desk staff.  We're going clarify them during this upcoming RAC and Wildlife Board cycle and things will be a lot more straight forward to interpret beginning in 2023.  I've consulted with our DWR Law Enforcement staff and our interpretation is that kokanee are not considered part of the special trout regulations at Lost Creek.  They do however, fall into the statewide trout regulations, meaning anglers may keep up to four kokanee salmon of any size if that is the only fish harvested, or they may keep them in combination with other trout for a combined total of 4 fish.  The trout, of course, fall under the special regulations and must consistent with the slot limit.  So to summarize: 

  • Limit 4 trout and salmon 
  • Salmon of any size may be harvested as part of the limit
  • No more than 3 trout may be under 15 inches 
  • No more than 1 trout may be over 22 inches
  • All trout between 15 and 22 inches must be immediately released
After that consultation with our Law Enforcement, an email went out to everyone who enforces regulations at that water to make sure our interpretation is consistent among all officers, so no one will be getting a ticket for keeping a kokanee that would fall within that slot limit for the trout. 

On a side note, I'm thrilled to hear kokanee catches at Lost Creek are picking up.  Out of the three waters (East Canyon, Rockport and Lost Creek) where we introduced or reintroduced them a few years ago, Lost Creek was the one we were most unsure of.  They've showed up in our nets at all three waters and appear to be on their way to getting established.  There was just more uncertainty at Lost Creek due to it being less productive, having more predators and then the thought that the Kokanee would also have to compete with the Utah Chubs for food as well.  Perhaps the Utah Chub have had the side benefit of still acting as the main forage for predators and this has helped keep that pressure off the young Kokanee?  This one just goes to show that sometimes we just don't know the answer until we try something out.  


Messages In This Thread
Lost Creek Kokanee Rule Change - by GrandpaD 2020 - 07-06-2022, 11:01 PM
RE: Lost Creek Kokanee Rule Change - by Bduck - 07-07-2022, 12:18 AM
RE: Lost Creek Kokanee Rule Change - by cyprinus_23 - 07-07-2022, 02:58 PM
RE: Lost Creek Kokanee Rule Change - by dubob - 07-07-2022, 09:48 PM

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