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Floatin' Fudds at Lincoln Beach 8-9-22
Met up with Lee in his tube and BLK in his yak at Lincoln Beach.  Boat channel is not launchable even for us old floatation fools so we opted for a rocky point launch.  Air temp at 7 am was about 62…warming about 20 degrees by noon.  Early water temp was 71 and got up to about 75 as I got off the water by noon.
 [Image: LAUNCH.jpg]  [Image: DAWN-LAUNCH.jpg] [Image: PARKING.jpg]

BLK and Lee got launched before I did.  And I had to search out a new launch spot for my tube.  My first choice turned out to be where the rocks dropped about 3-4 feet deep right at the edge.  I need some gradual slope to get launched and get my motor rigged etc.  Glad I had my ski pole hiking stick to check bottom conditions as I launched and returned in the murky water.
Based upon recent reports, I thought the fish might be shallow.  So I worked in 3-4 feet of water…out to about 5 feet.  Saw few fish on sonar.  Caught fewer.  BLK and Lee had both caught a few in about 6 feet of water so I finally got with the program and moved out deeper.  Took a while but I finally scored first a white bass…on a new “micro whirly flig” I was trying.  Then a couple of cats on minnows and white bass meat.
[Image: BLK-DRIVEBY.jpg] [Image: SOLO-WHITIE.jpg] [Image: BLING.jpg]

It was not fast fishing for any of us but BLK managed to net about 10 kitties before he beached his yak around 10:30.  Lee went in about the same time after netting 4 cats for the morning.  That left me out there all by my lonesome.  But the kitties came to play with me so that was okay. I ended up with 7 to the tube by the time I kicked back in around noon.  Most came from a “zone” out in 5.6 feet of water.  For an hour or so I was happily busy.  Then it was getting too hot to enjoy it any more and I had all the fun I could stand.
[Image: TUBE-JIG-KITTY.jpg] [Image: BUZZ-SHORTY.jpg] [Image: BIGGEST.jpg]

It was eerily quiet out on the lake today.  Didn’t see or hear any boats anywhere.   Not complaining, mind  you.  Just observing.  And the lake was like glass almost all morning.  Only downer was a line of regular green algae forming as the water warmed up.  But no observed blue green stuff that's freaking everybody out.
[Image: GLASS.jpg]


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Floatin' Fudds at Lincoln Beach 8-9-22 - by TubeDude - 08-09-2022, 10:59 PM

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