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Mike,<br>This may have been asked in private. Will moderators be able to win prizes or are they locked out?<br>The reason for this question is: I just requested a position as moderator. Don't wory you active moderators as I requested empty positions that nead to be worked on. If acepted I will nead your help to learn the ropes. I guess I spilt the beens on this. Also, will the players for each table be randomly selected? I don't trust SHAKA, he has 6 A's waiting to sneek in and I only have 4. [laugh]This gives him an unfair advantage.[laugh] Will be ready to register when it is open. Good luck to all players. You will need it. HaHaHa!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

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Re: BFT WORLD SERIES OF POKER VIRTUAL TOURNAMENT!!! - by ssor - 04-10-2002, 10:55 PM

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